

 Firstly i want to say sorry for not posting on a regular, Nigeria happened. Since that is out of the way, lets get back to our thoughts of what is not on the trends but carry great importance in human and musical development. My last post was about labelling certain artist what they are not, just because people don't have the true picture of the situation. I am a great follower of podcasts that inspire people, tell stories in an unvarnished and unpolished manner, from the mouth of the main actor, the person who's life was inadvertently affected, either passive or active. Solidstar is an artiste who was prominent in the late 2000's,with great songs and features, very unique voice and sort of made slow bpm afrobeats songs which lots of Nigerians fell in-love with. Right in the eyes of the public, videos started popping of him working on expressway, seemingly not himself, lot's of rumour was abound regarding the state of his mental and physical self. Very few knew the tru

SUCCESS: Fact or Fiction

       Success as defined can be, the accomplishment of an aim or a purpose. "Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory.” – Mahatma Gandhi. In the music sphere, especially in hip-hop circles in Nigeria, Success is mostly determined by the number of 'hits', Popularity, 'Streams' (for the new cats), 'perception of wealth'. Because there is no way to actually determine the 'worth' of a typical African, it begs the question, 'Has Rappers in Nigeria been successful'? Over the years, we have had very skillful, popular and hit making rappers, who created songs that still resonates today.           Songs that move the crowd, bang in the streets and brings nostalgia. Phenom, a rapper from the defunct Knighthouse family, ( a group of artistes that metamorphosed in a label) in a recent podcast, while talking about his journey through the music space made a disparaging comment about another rapper. In his own wo